Sunday, November 20, 2005


Mesothelioma Information
Mesothelioma Information
ID Card

ID card art manifesto

To make a historical global art movement, it needs immediate artist's filing.

ID card file is the most basic form as artist's file. The Joke Project have been

keeping on filing ID cards since 1984 JOKE : artistsJECT vs SEIEI JACK cds, records, cd singles, rare music, used music, vinyl, dvds ...
exquisite square contributors
The Joke Project, ID Card Center, PO Box 73, Tamagawa Tokyo, 1580082 Japan (24E5);
compilation, Temporary Music; The talk project, compilation, The Joke Project;Joke, compilation, The Joke Project; Joke, compilation, he Joke Project

Great international mail-art by

Mr. Guy Bleus


This tape compilation is part of Seiei Jack's

world mail collaboration band. It's a rich

compilation conprised of nine contributors from six countries. Manipulated voice,noise,

sound,tapes etc...strangely compelling

listening. Fun! BOX OF WATER

The emblem gallery 32

Lo Finest is a program dedicated to the appreciation of homemade recordings that were made and distributed on cassette tapes during the 1980s and 90s, hosted by veteran home recording artist Charles Rice Goff III.Thousands of sonic artists were cranking out cassettes all over the world during the 80s and 90s. The whole cassette explosion took place long before people had home computers, the internet, email, mp3s, and all that. People found out about hometapers by reading various publications that offered reviews of tapes, by listening to those rare radio broadcasts that would feature home tapes, by sending a letter to a contact address that had been printed on one of the many compilation cassettes that were created and distributed during this period, etc. Most hometapers were not approaching their craft as a means to achieving economic success, and this allowed for some incredibly free thinking endeavors to be realized. Trading tapes was common, offering a sort of sonic cultural exchange that had never really been possible before the age of inexpensive home recording technology.You can contact Charles ough his Taped Rugs website atthr: He asks listeners to please not send him old cassettes to play on this show, because he's got more than enough to work with already. However, he is very interested in any information that you would like to share about the cassette culture.
The Rabbit’s Hat “Wings Of Freedom” (from Shrike Food)Tom Bollinger’s Fetishes “Lavender Dye” (from Herbicides Or Pesticides)Michael J. Bowman “Never Suffered For Art”Michael J. Bowman “Get Down”Heather Perkins “Kitty In Prison” (from Dangerous Household Objects)Harold Sack Ziegler “Flat Frog/Entenquak” (from Doublegum Bubbledub)Harold Sack Ziegler “Mine Is The Time” (from Schnapp Flop Fetz)Lord Litter “Quite Naturally” (from Quite Naturally)Don Campau “Welcome To My World” (from Pen Pals 2)Don Campau “I Had To Call Her” (from Pen Pals 2)John Bartles “KD Lang Is The Only Man In My Life” (from Born To Lick Salt)John Bartles “Mangia O Mangia” (from Heathen Dog Likkers From The New WorldOrder)Farces Wanna Mo “Hey Black Cincinnati” (from Unroyal Nonagons)Farces Wanna Mo “Shampoo Rinse Repeat” (from Unroyal Nonagons)Turkey Makes Me Sleepy “Padukem” (from Live October 31, 1997)Bodycocktail “Pick Me Back Up” (from Smiling Device)Amy Denio “Vomit A Comet” (from Never Too Old To Pop A Hole)M. NomizedLogic Music 1” (from Sample 8)The Bill Jones Show “I Like The Television” (from The Goatman Of Maryland)The Bill Jones Show “Wingo The Postcard Man” (from The Goatman Of Maryland)Seiei Jack “Get Up And Boogie/1999” (from Insane Music For Insane PeopleVolume 16)The Cyderbunny “Bacteria” (from Return Of The Gone) :: View topic - But what are you doing NOW?UR FLYKAOS (S) "Request", "The tail without conclusion" / THE VENUS P (UK) "Morphine" / THIS WINDOW (UK) "Anna Logge (ILY)" /TRA SEIEI JACK (J) "Getup and ...

Magthea & Seiei Jack - Apocalypse Project / The Joke Project 1985-86

another world soundwork from the infamous Seiei Jack,

featuring contributions from JPN,US,SPAIN,ITALY and

HOLLAND, each mixed with a basic percussion/keyboard track

by Seiei Jack and Magthea,which gives the impression of

listening to 17 versions of the same song, for better or for

worse, or numerous movements in an industrial ballet, undeniably apocalyptic at points, vintage noise, with a musical

extravaganza "TJP FOR APOLYCA"which includes 21 con-

tributors. BOX OF WATER - Free Moblogs


A constructive compilation of The Joke Project, Seiei Jack's

world of audio-mail compilation of 1984. This tape consists

of sound works of 12 artists, all from Japan and USA, with

the exception of one from Spain. Manipulated and Produced

by Seiei Jack, they yield a striking Japan/USA continuity and

an exciting 30 minutes.-BOX OF WATER

COOL! The Midnight Cow
A one hour program hosted by Hal mcGee, which he plays selections from his personal collection of classic cassette releases of homemade experimental, electronic, industrial, noise and pop-rock music from the 1970s through 2000s. R. Stevie Moore ("Melbourne", from the Stevie Moore Returns cassette, 1976), Daylight Savings Time (excerpt from "Composition #31", No Indian Gaming, American Tapes, 1995), Seiei Jack Nakahara and Magthea ("The Apocalypse", The Joke Project 1984), Jeff Greinke ("Exciting Small Particles",Before The Storm, Intrepid, 1984), Ferial Confine (excerpt from Meiosis, Broken Flag label, 1985), Ray Carmen ("I'll Get You For That", Naive Assumptions, late 1980s), Croiners (excerpt from The Relentless Rhythm Of Change, Jim Tapes, mid-1980s), Noisebitch (excerpt from "Tired Of Playing These Parlor Games", Jailtime, Smell The Stench Tapes, 2001), Hands To ("Guerilla Jazz", Do Not Touch Them, Sound Of Pig, 1987), Camera Obscura ("Tokyo", Orient & Mecanique, 1984), The Nocturnal Emissions ("Rusting Shells", The Fight Goes On, Staal Tapes, 1984), Expose Your Eyes (excerpt from Music To Go Mad To, SCUM, mid-1990s), Context (excerpt from Necrophonie, Tonspur Tapes, 1987), Crash Worship ("Bobby Jojo Bobo & The Bobby Jojo Bobo Orchestra", Hit After Hit, Rocco Fresco, 1986), Absolute Body Control ("Waving Hands", International Sound Communication No. 1 compilation, Mans Hate Productions, 1984). 61 minutes, 9 seconds. Hi Fi, 192 kbps 0084 MB mp3 file.

BBP Records & Tapes

This eighty minute tape proved without a doubt (and there are
those that doubt this), that eMpTy Records, at that time, was also a label devoted to industrial and experimental music. Cums complete with a nice booklet-cover and with the cassette packaged in a (what else) condom. Limited to 200 copies.
Artist: Various
Catalog #: MT-016
Label: eMpTy Records
Format: Tape
Release Date: February 25th, 1987
Tracklist:Der 7. Versuch -
Largebeats - Outro
Largebeats - Mysterious Men In Black
Doc Wör Mirran - A Poem About My Relationship to Mrs. Fatso

Doc Wör Mirran - Mrs. Fatso Has Nothing To Eat
Memphis 10SC - Pitch Pop
7alkin 7o 7he 7oilet - To Kill A Cure Fan
MCH(e) Band - Prej Hori Narodni Divaldo
2nd Reality - For Elke (dream version)
Hollow Sweet - 4 Gymnopedie
Joke Project - Too Many Gods
Joke Project - Don't Try To Call Me
Saint Tin - The Forgotten Prisoner
Saint Tin - Stop Me Mountain
Blurbs - Turkey Bone Blues

Katharsis - The Dirge Of Hell
LeCrap - Skundet Bedrager

HÖRSTURZ Interpreten
Joke Project. Too much gods, 12.10.2002. Jolly Green Giants. Busy body, 02.09.2000. Jones, E.
Rodney. R'n'B time, 24.02.2001. Jones, Gloria ...
THE JOKE PROJECT -ANOMALOUS SILENCER / RENDHAGYÓ HANGTOMPÍTÓ. THE JOKE PROJECT / SeieiJACK [artpool-link]. [2002] [parallel realities] [artpool] [search] [2002] [parallelvalóságok] [artpool] [kutatólap]
Mail Art - Russia
VIDEO-EXPEDITION IN THE PERFORMANCE-WORLD (Artpool, 1995, A/4, 32 pages, offset)
Catalog of the performance-video festivals and summary of the performance year including description of, and information on the videos, photographs, an index, and
brief introductory notes by some experts of the topic.
Price: HUF 200 or available in exchange

Rafael Flores es de Andújar y lleva publicando discos desde 1981 bajo su propio nombre y bajo el seudónimo Comando Bruno. Durante este tiempo ha realizado una larga lista de colaboraciones con músicos cercanos en pensamiento y trabajo (Francisco López, Zan Hoffman, Avant Dernières Pensées, Seiei Jack Nakahara and Thomas Park, por nombrar algunos). Su música ha sido publicada por sellos discográficos de diversas...

Artpool Art Research Center
located at: Budapest VI, Liszt Ferenc tér 10., first floor (map)
Open: from 2 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays and
FridaysClosed in July and August!
postal address: 1277
Budapest 23, Pf/Box 52, Hungary tel.: (+36-1) 268-01-14fax: (+36-1) 321-08-33 e-mail:
THE EXPERIMENTER & ... / ... ÉS AZ Artnet - Képzőművészeti Portál és Folyóirat 2001EXPERIMENTÁTOR(USA) · HOARE, Tyler (USA) · HONORIA (USA) · HUBAUT, Joel (F) · HUGUES, Jean (F) ·I · IRMER, Sugar (D) · J · JACK, Seiei (J) · JANKOVICS Zoltán (H) · JESCH,Birger (D) · JOE, Emily (I) · JOHNSON, James (USA) · de JONGE,
Featuring Adam Bohman, Agog, Crow, De Fabriek, Factor X, Kazuhiro Ohtsuuka, Merz
, Minoy, Mystery Hearsay, PBK, Seiei Jack, Sismoid, Tuf, Van Der Veens.Author: Here Be MonstersDate: December 31st, 1991Source: zh27.netRecorded by: Zan HoffmanCreative
mons license: Attribution-ShareAlike
N D#7 (90 mm. 22 tracks. 5$ from N D, P.O. Box 4144, Austin TX 75765, ) Photostatic magazine#24 1987

There are various kinds of audio noise art here, ranging from music (itself ranging from
through industrial to a synthy kind of pop) to a
strident but joyous din, complete with screams
and loud screeching scrapy noises. Opens up with the almost-pop
sounds of Die Form andPaul
Thomas, and then takes you through
Haupunkt Fix’s aural environment, and then to the
seeming-cagean random composition (with radio dial-changing) of Big City Orchestra.
Alsonoticeable is work by the Joke Project in which altered voice elements are laid over a grungynoise and then intermittently we can hear a kind of music which sounds like a communistanthem from outer space. All the time the effect is like straining to bring in that far away radio station but it seems to have a mind of its own as it enters and exits audition. Sonja van der Burg has a voice piece, and the Haters do “Destroyed Music’ which sounds like civilizationcrumbling. It’s impossible to generalize about a tape that’s
too much for one sitting, but it’s worth listening to more than once.

Cause And Effect Compilation 001
Best Text Of Japan
78 minutes
Toshifumi Kawase, The Joke Project, Tetsuya Fukui, Satoshi Hashimoto, Merzbow, Ice 9, Takahashi/ Numazawa/ Hashimoto, O'Nancy In French, Monomagnon, Masaki
Hal McGee's home page
Various Artists - Insane Music For Insane People Vol.15
ÏNSANE MUSIC FOR INSANE PEOPLE VOL.15 15 TRACKS C60 STEREO An international compilation / Une compilation internationale FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY (CAN) "Holly war" part one & two THE LATEST ALBUM


/ LE TOMBEAU (D) "We wear our Shades" / NOXIOUS BAITS (J) "My zoo" / PAUL K. (B) "Marocco my heart" / 18 CAMERAS (B) "This could be heaven" / L'EDARPS A MOTH (D) "Mein kleines gelbes flugzeug" / SEIEI JACK (J) "Can not" / OLTRE LA MORTE (D) "Till Suzy stripped" / PRIMA MATERIA (F) "Nichi nichi kore ko nichi", "From my bedroom to yours" / 391 (I) "Temperatura I"> "Temperatura II", "Teperatura III" / TOM FAZZINI (Scotland) "Pure gold baby" INSANE MUSIC FOR INSANE PEOPLE VOL.16 16 TRACKS C60 STEREO An international compilation / Une compilation internationale UR KAOS (S) "Request", "The tail without conclusion" / THE VENUS FLY TRAP (UK) "Morphine" / THIS WINDOW (UK) "Anna Logge (I.L.Y.)" / SEIEI JACK (J) "Get up and boogie", "Tirne left Hoolywood", "1999" / LIZA NELIAZ (B) "Slogan" / N0 UNAUTHORIZED (F) "Crocodile" / FERMENTATION SPONTANEE (B) "Bloody times" / THE POCKETS (J) "Tokyo gembaku musume", "Anko tsubaki wa koi no hana" / DARREN COPELAND (CAN) "The three faces" / OPTICAL MUSICS (G) "Sea food (part I)" / TRAUMSPIEL (D) "Psychicat" / POL SILENTBLOCK (B) "Un avion explose","Hold over jazz (short extract)"

"Pshycomania" Various artists LP. ER 009 (Etiquette/Belgium) 1986. Pshycomania
Side A
1. The Klinik "Walking With Shadows"
2. X-Ray Pop "Le Fils De L 'Homme"
3. Mark Lane "Pleasure Heist" (Original)
4. Nico De Haan "Painting Part I"
Side B
1. Vomito Negro "Melodie Massacre"
2. Steve Sheehan "Paddywack"
3. De Fabriek "Schadwen"
4. Asod Dui "A.D. Sakharov"
5. The Joke Project "Too Much Gods"
6. R.T.C. "Laurie Met De Golgjes En De Riotgun"
7. PLX 15 "Lufteturen"
8. Erik Von Heiden "Music For The Expanding Universe"

kollektiv/Seiei Jack Nakahara,lard,banned-

productions,Jim Jones,problemist,maybe mental,

pink37,rit,schadel,John Wiggins,room291,

The Joke Project,schools tegal communication

music company,minoy,tegal records-TG02

Various - The Long March

The Prostitution of ...

Le super secret est dans le livre

Le livre est dans

le super secret

Le super secret

est le livre.

Livre, le super

Pig Destroyer


Anonymous said...

Hi forum, cool weather and good mood. life is a good thing however turn

Anonymous said...

Has just watched this film. It's just awesome
I recommend it to every one.

I also recommend you the following:
Whose child is this, the war for baby jessica, 1993
Dracula 2000, 2000
Serengeti diary, 1989
Rage of angels: the story continues, 1986
Man who fell to earth, 1986
Shade, 2003
Touched by an angel ('00/'01 season), 2000
Road raiders pilot #83548, 1989
Teamster boss: the jackie presser story, 1992
Visitor, the ('97/'98 season), 1997


Anonymous said...

Автомобильный ломбард действует совершенно иначе. Здесь Вам уже не надо будет предоставлять справки о своих доходах,
не надо думать о том, чтобы ничего не забыть и уж точно не надо переживать по поводу получения кредита. [url=]Вам достаточно иметь при себе документы, удостоверяющие личность и технический паспорт на Ваше транспортное средство.
Если все это у Вас при себе, то продолжительность оформления ссуды или кредита под залог авто продлится не больше часа.[/url]

Anonymous said...

Hi, today is a beautiful day in my life. I saw a first snow in this year and I save this photo for all people in the World!